Crafting Impactful Narratives in Crypto, Web3, and DeFi Through Storytelling

In the dynamic and often perplexing world of crypto, web3, and DeFi, perception is paramount. That’s where we come in.
At Infinite Digital, we excel at shaping narratives that matter. We don’t just follow trends; we set them. Through impactful storytelling,

We Help You Establish A Compelling Presence In These Transformative Spaces




Writing & Content

Press Release
and distribution

Partnerships and
event co-branding

opportunities at

Crisis and


Our commitment is twofold

Promoting Quality Journalism

We work hand-in-hand with reputable journalists and media outlets to ensure that accurate, well-researched information reaches the public. By fostering strong relationships with key industry players, we facilitate the creation of content that educates and informs, contributing to a better-informed audience.

Empowering Web3 Technologies

At the same time, we believe in the power of web3 technologies to disrupt and improve traditional media models. We help web3 projects and platforms gain the recognition they deserve by connecting them with journalists who understand their potential.

We are your partner in the pursuit of innovation and truth. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the realms of crypto, web3, and DeFi. With us by your side, you’ll not only shape the narrative; you’ll define the future.

At Infinite Digital

Our blockchain PR strategies and tactics are grounded in the cultivation of personal relationships with some of the world’s most renowned editors, writers, and content creators. This foundation allows us to consistently secure coverage in prestigious top-tier publications and on highly regarded YouTube channels.

Our PR approach

A harmonious fusion of strategic communications and our refined expertise in media relations. This synergy empowers our partners to authentically convey their narratives at the ideal moment, ensuring maximum exposure. This strategic storytelling is further bolstered by our dedicated marketing efforts, providing a comprehensive and impactful presence in the blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape.

Companies We’ve Worked With

Hear what companies we work
with have to say about us

Ready to take your project

To the next level?

Our approach adapts to your needs
and we evaluate each project individually

Adrian Au, CEO

Ready to take your project

To the next level?

Our approach adapts to your needs and we evaluate each project individually

Adrian Au, CEO


What makes Infinite Digital different from other digital marketing agencies?

At Infinite Digital, we stand out from other digital marketing agencies by delivering exceptional results with a personal touch. Our approach revolves around creating customized go-to-market strategies and executing them to perfection, surpassing our clients’ expectations. We pride ourselves on conducting in-depth market research and understanding to craft strategies tailored to your unique needs. Unlike agencies that juggle a multitude of projects, we believe in quality over quantity. We deliberately limit ourselves to a maximum of 4 projects under one team unit, allowing us to provide the dedicated attention our clients truly deserve. It’s our commitment to fostering meaningful partnerships and delivering outstanding outcomes.

What digital marketing services does Infinite Digital provide?

We offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services. Our services include community building, content management, influencer marketing, community management, user acquisition and user retention. Our expertise and strategies are designed to effectively promote and enhance the visibility of your venture.

What is the typical timeline for implementing Web3 Marketing strategies for projects?

The timeline for implementing marketing strategies varies based on the project and its unique needs. Typically, we allocate a minimum of 3 months for our initial contract, which includes conducting comprehensive research, establishing a strong foundation, creating customized strategies, and initiating campaign execution and iteration.

We actively participate in conferences and events on a regular basis, ensuring that we stay up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations. Our founder, Adrian Au, is widely recognized as a thought leader in the blockchain industry. With his extensive marketing expertise, Adrian not only shares invaluable insights but also inspires and empowers others to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology.

How do I get started with your agency? What is the onboarding process like?

To get started with our agency, simply reach out to us through the website contact button. Our onboarding process begins with an initial consultation where we discuss your goals and requirements. From there, we tailor a customized plan that aligns with your needs. We handle the necessary paperwork, conduct thorough research, and collaborate closely with you to ensure a smooth onboarding experience.

Ready to launch and scale your project?